durlav kalita

Hi, I am Durlav. Developer and chess enthusiast.

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    21 June 2021

    Vuejs and laravel

    by durlavk

    Vuejs with laravel gives you wings🐦.

    It is well known that vuejs goes hand to hand laravel. Both technologies are easy to learn and simple. So naturally it makes sense to use vuejs with laravel specially when you need reactive or dynamic elements in your site which laravel is not very good at. Laravel has some alternative in livewire and alipine js but it makes much more sense to be using vuejs if you are well versed in it.

    Now I haven’t used both of them together but I intend to now. To use vuejs with laravel we can-

    Now I have used the inertia stack before but just barely. If I go with the first and second option I am basically doing the same thing and there is not much boilerplate code that I will get to work with. So it seems like I am in a dilemma. The only way to resolve it is through using all three. So, that’s what I will do and then maybe I will be able to tell you which approach is better.

    tags: laravel - vuejs