durlav kalita

Hi, I am Durlav. Developer and chess enthusiast.

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    25 June 2021

    Stick to one stack?

    by durlavk

    Using laravel with vue has it’s own demons🤡.

    Stack in web development term represent a group of technologies used to create a web app. Now there are some popular stacks that you may have heard like LAMP or MERN etc. When learning web development you tend to learn one stack properly. But often times only knowledge of one stack or framework is not enough.

    For example I have been working with laravel for quite a while now but if I want some more reactivity in the app I have to use a js framework. And in order to use real time communication through sockets I should know about socket.io which is native to js. And although there are some alternative like laravel-websockets for socket.io and alpinejs for vuejs, any time I have to use another stack with my current framework it throws me off. Just because I have to learn about both worlds now. But this is not something that I should complain about and have to get used to it as it is necessary to know all the tools available.

    tags: webdev